Thursday, 25 August 2011

Booty from the Booters

 The car boot sale held in Fordham invites charities to come and collect at the entrance of the sale.
Last Sunday a group of volunteers and staff from Burwell Print got up at the crack of dawn to collect at the car boot sale. People were very generous and we collected the grand total of £565.74. We wore our Burwell Print t-shirts to promote what we do and several people stopped to chat to us about printing. Definitely worth missing a Sunday lie-in!

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Thinking outside of the Tapas Box!

A longstanding customer of the Print Centre asked us if we could produce some display boxes for his Tapas Mussels that he was launching in the UK. While it isn't a job we have ever done before, we like to always have a "can do" attitude and after a little bit of planning and design we set about producing 100 display boxes.

The customer is extremely happy with the end result and we feel we have learnt something new along the way.

Chris O'Neill